Stranger in Wonderland

高尾山ハイキングに行ってきました。去年の9月後半の連休に、@imomot と @ayamurice と「山行こう!」っていってその第一弾として高尾山に行くつもりだったのだけど、前日に強烈な台風が関東地方を直撃して高尾山も倒木だらけになり、延期になっていたのでした。@ayamurice は長野に引っ越してしまったので今回は @imomot @myuuak と3人で。

I went to Mt Takao with @imomot and @myuuak. We planned to go there last year with @ayamurice, but on the previous day terrible typhoon attacked Kanto region and many trees on Takao had fallen, so trails were slushy and some of them were closed. We decided to postpone our hiking. And today is the day! I miss @ayamurice, who moved to Nagano and can't join us this time!


When we went hiking at Nara on a year-end holiday, we suffered from cold wind and wild deer attack at our lunch on the mountaintop of Mt Wakakusa. We talked that we absolutely need to bring cooker and portable stove next time so that we can make coffee or something hot to eat.
I went to outdoor shop, but there are a little expensive stoves more than expected. Its price was around 6000-8000 yen. At last, I found the one on Amazon. It looks like Tachikoma. So cute!


前日に代官山のH Plusに行ったのですが、その時に店員さんに明日高尾に行くんですよーって話をしたら、人が少ないオススメコースを教えてもらいました。というわけで今日はそのコースを歩いてみます。

Yesterday, I went to H Plus at Daikanyama and talked to a staff about our plan to hike at Takao. She kindly recommended me the trail which is less crowded . Today we walk to the trail that she told me.
Take a keio bus at JR Takao station bound for Kobotoke, and get off at Hikage bus stop. Walk along Hikagesawa camp site.


While we walked the trail, we hardly passed anyone as she told. It was a continuous steep trail. We became less talkative as we go on since it was a hard trail.
Although we saw the map, we couldn't recognize where we are now... we hoped that we at least passed the middle point.
In a little over an hour walk, we heard people's voice and we saw the meeting point of trails.


We thought we're going to meet the road No. 4, but it was underconstruction and it joined directly to the road No.1 which is the main route of Takao. Wow, it is very crowded here!
It took about one hour and a half from Hikage bus stop to the mountaintop.


Crisp clear air and beautiful scenery! We can see Mt Fuji covered with snow!

@myuuak がサッポロ一番塩らーめんと切った野菜とベーコンを持ってきてくれたので、点火してぐつぐつしました。鍋は @imomot が昔から使ってたらしい1Lのステンレスボウル、たぶん無印良品の。わたしの持っていったコッヘル3点セット(小さいボウル2つと皿)はラーメンには小さすぎて取り分けるときの食器として使いました。

Well, time to eat lunch. But mountaintop was so crowded and it was difficult to find a place to cook. Fortunately, we could share a table with an elderly couple. Now I call out Tachikoma!
@myuuak brought instant noodles and slices of bacon and cut vegitables. We cooked ramen through 1L stainless bowl that @imomot have used for long years. The cookers I bought was too small to cook ramen, so we used them as bowls for each.


It was perfect even though this was first time we cooked in the mountain! So nice!

ラーメン後、余った野菜とじゃがりこのチーズフォンデュ味で手際よくスープを作る @myuuak 、かっこいい!

After the noodles, @myuuak efficiently made creamy soup with rest of vegitables and Jagariko, japanese potato snack. Cool!
And finally, we enjoyed making and drinking coffee on the mountaintop! What a luxury moment... I couldn't be happier!


On the way back, we walked Inariyama course which is along the ridge. We walk trail which have fallen trees, and have cliff with both side. The view between line of ceder trees was fantastic.

下山して、高尾山口周辺の栄えっぷりに驚き、甘酒であったまる。そして八王子に移動して、@beat_ana さんに教えてもらった稲荷湯へ。
銭湯なんだけど2階建てで、普通の銭湯とスーパー銭湯の間くらいのきれいなお風呂でした。地元のおばちゃんたちの社交場になってるみたい。@imomot 情報によると男湯のほうが混んでたらしいw

After descending the mountain, we went to Japanese dumpling shop and enjoyed Amazake. Then moved to Hachioji and went to public bath named Inari-yu.

より大きな地図で 稲荷湯 を表示

夜ごはんは八王子のビストロ Paris8(パリハチ!)で。

We enjoyed dinner at Bistro Paris 8 in Hachioji.


I asked to a waiter "What kind of fish sea robin is?" Then he provided it to us as left photo. Center photo is cooked one, right photo is being eaten.




Yuko Honda Morita (yukop) :
Born in Japan, living in California with my husband and two cats. "A bit of a geek and a bit of a geek fan and a bit of an artist." ->

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